"Breathe" Yoga Clothing

"Breathe" Styled Clothing & Accessories

"Breathe" Styled Clothing & Accessories - Relax & Breathe! 

Amethyst Styled Collection

Amethyst Clothing & Accessories

Amethyst Styled Clothing & Accessories - look like the gem you are! 

Return To Sender (Hamsa) Clothing

Evil Eye Hamsa Collection

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Lapis Lazuli Collection - includes leggings, ties & scarves, shirts & shorts, blankets, shoes & much more.

Lapis Lazuli Styled Clothing & Accessories

Lapis Lazuli Styled Clothing & Accessories - look like the gem you are! 

Knowledge is Power! Check out more from our curated collection of Health & Wellness Products!

Consider enhancing your life by making small changes that can have a massive impact on your overall well-being. If you are experiencing stress, anxiety, worry, physical illness, or ailments, try incorporating a simple change into your routine until it becomes a habit. One suggestion is to replace regular table salt with Celtic Sea Salt or Pink Himalayan Salt, as these options offer a higher concentration of vital and essential minerals necessary for optimal bodily function. By introducing at least one healthy change into your daily life, you can cultivate healthier habits.